World of Quantum 2025 Forenprogramm

Das wird Ihnen bei den Foren geboten

Auf der World of Quantum 2025 bieten das Forum World of Quantum und das Insights Forum ein umfangreiches und attraktives Vortragsprogramm. Daneben finden weitere Programm-Highlights wie Diskussionsrunden oder Pitches auf den Foren statt.

Das Forenprogramm wird voraussichtlich ab Mitte April 2025 auf dieser Seite verfügbar sein. Der Besuch der Foren ist in Ihrem Messeticket enthalten. Die Vortragssprache ist Englisch.

Das Vortragsprogramm besteht aus den folgenden Formaten:

Application Panels

In praxisorientierten Vortragsreihen greifen renommierte Experten die neuesten Trends im Bereich der Quantentechnologien auf und informieren über Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze.

Vorträge von Ausstellern

In 20-minütigen Vorträgen stellen Aussteller der World of Quantum ihre Produktneuheiten und Anwendungs-Innovationen vor.

Forum World of Quantum | Application Panel Program

Halle A1


09:45 - 11:00

Quantum Technologies: Politics & Governance

Dr. Tatjana Wilk (Munich Quantum Valley)
Dr. Mira Wolf-Bauwens (IBM Quantum)

14:00 - 16:00

Quantum Sensing & Imaging: A Perspective On Industrial Applications

Dr. Valerio Flavio Gili (Fraunhofer-Institut für angewandte Optik und Feinmechanik IOF)

14:30 - 16:30

Quantum Computing on the Verge of Industrial Applications

Dr. Sebastian Luber (Infineon Technologies)
Dr. Bernd Jungbluth (Fraunhofer-Institut für Lasertechnik ILT)
Dr. Jürgen Stuhler (TOPTICA Photonics AG)

10:00 - 12:00

Quantum Technologies Enabling Technologies

Stefan Spälter (TOPTICA Photonics AG)
Florian Elsen (Fraunhofer-Institut für Lasertechnik ILT)
Dr. Ronald Holzwarth (Menlo Systems)

14:30 - 17:00

Quantum Safe Communication

Prof. Andreas Tünnermann (Fraunhofer-Institut für angewandte Optik und Feinmechanik IOF)
Dr. Felix Wissel (Deutsche Telekom)
Bettina Heim (OHB Systems AG)

10:00 - 12:00

Quantum Technologies: Education & Career

Dr. Tatjana Wilk (Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology)
Dr. Fabio Scafirimuto (IBM Quantum Education)


Tuesday, June 24, 2025, 14:00 - 16:00 | Quantum Sensing & Imaging: A Perspective On Industrial Applications

Quantum sensing encompasses all protocols using quantum states, as electronic, magnetic or vibrational states in atoms or solids, or quantum states of light, to measure physical quantities with higher expected performances, compared to their classical counterparts, for example in terms of precision, sensitivity, or detection efficiency.

In light of these capabilities, quantum sensing protocols are expected to provide new technological advancements in the fields of sensors, imaging, and microscopy, possibly leading to the development of new disruptive technologies. Prominent examples in the current research and development landscape include imaging and microscopy with quantum states of light, atomic clocks, atom-based magnetic field and acceleration sensors.

This panel includes contributions from companies on state-of-the-art developments of quantum sensors, as well as an insight into current research directions.

Wednesday, June 25, 2025, 14:30 - 16:30 | Quantum Computing on the Verge of Industrial Applications

Quantum computers are approaching their first industrial applications. Advances in scalability and error correction are paving the way for more robust and economically viable systems.

New approaches such as Rydberg quantum computers offer promising perspectives for optimization problems due to their scalability and efficient coupling mechanisms. At the same time, superconducting, trapped-ion, and photonic architectures continue to evolve. Improved error correction enhances the stability of logical qubits.

A key focus is the development of application-specific hardware platforms. While a universal, fault-tolerant quantum computer remains a long-term vision, hybrid architectures are already providing economic benefits by integrating quantum computing with classical high-performance computing. Co-designed hardware-software solutions are optimizing applications in materials science, logistics, and finance.

Thursday, June 26, 2025, 14:30 - 17:00 | Quantum Safe Communication

Quantum computers will be able to break established cryptographic algorithms soon. Quantum cryptography offers the solution: Quantum Safe Communication either through the development of new post-quantum cryptography (PQC) algorithms or through quantum key distribution (QKD).

In QKD, keys are transmitted by means of quantum states, which can be sent via optical fiber as well as via free-space, terrestrial or satellite transmission. QKD systems are already on the market and commercially available. In addition to integration into existing infrastructures, the necessary certification and standardization measures are underway. Industrial implementation requires the coordination of players from areas such as traditional cryptography, system security and integration, component manufacturing and network operation. In Germany, the German Industry Association for Quantum Security (DIVQSec) was founded to promote a national value chain.

This application panel provides an overview of quantum cryptography and the interplay between PQC and QKD, supplemented by application-oriented contributions.

Foren auf der Laser World of Photonics

Auch die Laser World of Photonics wartet in diesem Jahr erneut mit einem hochkarätigen Vortragsprogramm auf.