Exhibition areas of the World of QUANTUM

The World of QUANTUM invites all players and stakeholders in the field of quantum technologies! The purpose is to provide a complete toolbox for the development and construction of quantum systems and to present all application areas in which quantum technologies are used.

The World of QUANTUM includes the following exhibition areas

  • Laser systems for quantum technology
  • Subsystems and components for quantum technology
  • quantum computing
  • quantum simulation
  • quantum communication
  • quantum cryptography
  • Quantum sensing & quantum metrology
  • quantum imaging

Product index World of QUANTUM

Running parallel to LASER World of PHOTONICS

Exhibitors and visitors alike expressly welcome the co-location with LASER World of PHOTONICS and consider it to be very important. This is because quantum technology is based to a large extent on photonics, since many quantum solutions are a result of it.

Quantum technology opens the door to a new age - because it is about the measurability and controllability of individual light quanta. Exhibitors at LASER World of PHOTONICS develop and manufacture the necessary instrumentation for this in the form of:

  • highly precise beam sources
  • polarizers
  • optical resonators
  • photon counters
  • frequency combs
  • vacuum and cryogenic technology
  • atom and ion traps.

In this way, they create the basis for rapid transfers of quantum technologies to industrial and medical applications. Where even magnetic fields and dynamic effects at the level of elementary particles - including photons and electrons - become measurable and controllable, unimagined potential opens up in computer technology, digital communication, medical diagnostics, materials research, navigation and climate or disaster protection. Governments around the world have recognized this and are now directing billions of euros in funding into the future field of quantum technology.

Interactive hall plan

Detailed information on exhibitors and products on display at the trade fair can be found in the Exhibitor Directory under interactive hall plan.

Starting in 2023, automatica, the world's Leading Exhibition for Smart Automation and Robotics, will also be held at the same time as LASER World of PHOTONICS and World of QUANTUM.